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How much does kudzu starch processing equipment cost?

curved sieve, vertical centrifugal screen, butterfly separator kudzu root starch industrial continuous production process were studied, through screening, such as centrifugal process, the kudzu root starch and fiber, protein and other impurities separated from ge powder, nissan ge powder can reach more than 10 tons, recovery rate can reach more than 90%.

Because the kudzu root skin carries part of the pigment of adsorption on the starch granules, can improve the outside of kudzu root starch by whitening, xian-han zhou choose sodium hypochlorite bleach, such as sodium hexametaphosphate as the quality improver, optimum whitening process conditions determined by orthogonal experiments as follows: the ratio of material to water 1:2, material liquid pH6.5, 40 min bleaching time, temperature of 40 ℃.

Kudzu starch processing equipment detailed price or need the major manufacturers to our factory detailed consultation, we are always at your service.

Sida pueraria starch production line adopts the wet processing technology of starch production without any additives. The whole process is mature in technology, advanced in equipment, scientific in configuration and reasonable in technology.The process flow of starch production is designed according to seven sections: cleaning - crushing, screening, sand removal, concentration and refining, dehydration and drying.Especially pulp and screener sida equipment company of national patent products - crushing and fine crushing two-way process, through crushing thoroughly, starch free radical, flour extraction rate is high, the unique technology of multistage crush, multi-stage filtration cycle in turn, crushing the filtered ge residue in silk hair, with a low energy consumption, high extraction yield and starch quality advantages, improves the production efficiency of production line and starch extraction yield.

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